Monday, December 6, 2010

James Brown?

The point being, I'm back, and I've now got 2 blogs, that's right, TWO.  So what if I haven't bloggered since August, it's been a busy summer/fall/winter season.
However, I have been documenting a bunch of things since then, and they will all be given a chance for the lime light on the 'ol WineSperation.  
Speaking of which:
This happened this weekend, and I will probably not have a drink of alcohol for a long, long, lon...tomorrow.
I know that it's not me, but I didn't really have pics of myself, not to mention, I was probably too intoxicated to be photographed.  
See you soon, with a real live story.....

P.S. If you are wondering what the other blog is, its this: or