Sunday, June 13, 2010

I have to.  Apparently.
Photos to negate the negativity………..
Here is the thing I like about this blogging business so far- I can rant and rage as much as I want, and if you don’t like it- don’t read it.
It’s not Facebook- it’s blogbook.  I will not annoy anyone with what I say (unless they read it) I can post as many or as little things as I like.  If I choose to post a lot then nobody seems to get mad at how “annoying” I am (why do people get so mad at the fact that there are facebookers who always post and facebookers who never post?  Are we not supposed to have fun on Facebook?)

I do however feel that any time I decide to write a new post where I rant and rage, by the time that I have all the things I will say in my head, I do not need to post it, nor do I want to because who wants a mass of pages of negativity?  This idea is not proven by the fact that out of all the blogs I have written more than half of them are me bitching about something.  Granted, those are “funny rant/rages”.  Still counts as negative, yea?

I keep thinking “don’t post that it’s negative, and don’t you want your blog to be fun and positive?  A place where people (Layne) like to go??”
Having said all that, here we go*:  
If you respect me, I will respect you.  If you do not, I will not.
If you have an apt at 10:00 do not leave your house at 10:00 and call me at 10:05 and tell me that you are stuck in traffic.  It’s Saturday, at 10 am there is no traffic, you are lazy and did not want to come to the appointment that YOU made.  

Do not lie to me.  Just don’t, not to anyone.  It’s rude, you will get caught (a lesson Mom always tried to teach me but I never learned)
Do not steal from me.  It’s pretty crappy.
Why don’t you think about not screwing someone over?

How about maybe being self sufficient?
How about not pretending to like someone so they buy you dinner?  Because guess what, more grace equals more love!
Don’t be a jerk all the time.  Sometimes (like in a blog rager) it’s okay.  As long as you listen to Joe and try to be full of grace the rest of the time.  It takes practice to be full of grace all the time.

*This may all have to do with the fact that I got up at 5:30am to be to work by 7:00.  Sorry.


  1. Layne still likes to come here. And it has to do with all the pictures of the animals. That really takes the edge off!

    Do you feel better?

  2. No. It just makes me feel like an ass after I post it... but oh well lesson learned.
